Priama cesta k dobrému zvuku

Prehrávanie analógovej hudby nikdy úplne nezmizlo ani v čase digitalizácie. Audiofili často uprednostňovali zvuk gramofónu. To platí nielen pre generácie, ktoré zažili vrchol nahrávacieho priemyslu v 70. a 80. rokoch, ale aj pre mladých ľudí, ktorí vyrastali s DJ kultúrou.

Diskusie o najlepšom princípe pohonu, páse alebo priamom pohone sú takmer také staré ako samotný gramofón. Priama mechanika je v ideálnom scenári dynamickejšia a má lepšiu synchronizáciu. Vzhľadom na to, že motor je umiestnený priamo na gramofóne a preto musí byť mimoriadne plynulý, je oveľa zložitejší a preto aj drahší. Magnat dosiahol niečo špeciálne s MTT 990: vysokovýkonný pohon so všetkými výhodami priameho pohonu a s vynikajúcim pomerom cena/výkon.

Vedomosti a vášeň

Gramofón od špecialistu na reproduktory? Áno. Dva rôzne hi-fi komponenty majú viac spoločného, ​​ako by sa dalo všeobecne predpokladať: tak prenoska, ako aj reproduktor sú zvukové prevodníky. Toto je miesto, kde počujete každú úroveň kvality ešte jasnejšie. A: v spoločnosti Magnat pracuje veľa fanúšikov hi-fi, ktorí stále preferujú gramofón pre počúvanie hudby. Takže to bol očividný krok k návrhu gramofónu, ktorý by mohol zúžitkovať všetky naše vedomosti z viac ako 45 rokov hi-fi vývoja.

Motor a gramofón

Na celom svete je len veľmi málo odborníkov, ktorí ponúkajú motory pre jednotky s priamym pohonom. Zistili sme však dodávateľa, ktorý dokázal dokonalo realizovať naše nápady: s motorom, ktorý ponúka tri rýchlosti (33, 45, 78 ot/min), takmer dokonalú synchronizáciu (<0,08%) a obrovský krútiaci moment 2,2 kgf/cm. 12,5 palcový (30,5 cm) gramofón je vyrobený zo špeciálneho plastového materiálu (POM), ktorý je známy svojou vysokou torznou tuhosťou a ktorého rezonančné správanie je podobné ako vinyl - čo sa ukázalo ako veľmi výhodné z hľadiska zvuku. Podľa našich dojmov práve takto vzniká najdetailnejší zvuk. Vzhľadom k tomu, že zvukové dojmy sú vždy subjektívne, pridali sme extra plsť. Znamená to, že platne je možné použiť aj bez akejkoľvek prídavnej gramofónovej podložky. Rozmery 1,9 kg gramofónu boli navrhnuté špeciálne a presne pre motor. Okrem toho sa na zabezpečenie presnej synchronizácie používa systém riadenia quartz. Tým sa eliminuje potreba nastavenia jemnej rýchlosti.

Rezonančne optimalizované puzdro a nohy

Magnat je výrobca reproduktorov a má najlepšie technológie na detekciu a redukciu rezonancií. Využili sme to pri vývoji MTT 990. Puzdro je vyrobené z masívneho MDF dreva a je tak silné a ťažké, že ponúka optimálne podmienky pre motorovú jednotku.
Nohy MTT 990 boli tiež vyrobené podľa našich špecifikácií a vykazujú mimoriadne vysokú absorbciu vibrácií.
Iný detail: Silový transformátor má vyklápací závesný dizajn, aby sa zabránilo ďalšej rezonancii. Skrinka má lesklý čierny povrch.

Rameno & prenoska

Tónové rameno MTT 990 nemá ani štandardný dizajn, pretože mnohé podrobnosti boli upravené. Je to zakrivené 10 palcové rameno v tvare písmena J - čo je podľa nášho názoru najlepší tvar na udržanie čo najnižšej chyby uhla pri čítaní. Rameno je vyrobené zo špeciálneho legovaného hliníka a vnútorné vedenie zahŕňa medené drôty vysokej čistoty od japonského špecialistu Mogami. Rameno má štyri ložiská z nehrdzavejúcej ocele s guličkami z uhlíkovej ocele. Aby bolo možné bez problémov namontovať rôzne prenosky, rameno Magnat MTT 990 je nastaviteľné na výšku a má bajonetovú hlavicu pre pohodlné a presné prispôsobenie systémov prenosiek.
Rameno je z tzv. kategórie strednej hmotnosti. To znamená, že na aktualizáciu alebo upgrade MTT 990 je možné použiť veľmi veľký počet jednoduchších a stredných systémov MM a MC.
Kvalita pohonu a ramena je však taká vysoká, že tu dokonca aj high-end prenosky nájdu vhodné prostredie. Vo verzii "X" je Magnat MTT 990 takisto k dispozícii bez prenosky.

Magnat MTT 990 (bez "X") je verzia pripravená na prehrávanie, vybavená systémom magnetov strednej triedy, ktoré by sa mohli takmer nazývať legendárnymi: japonskou prenoskou Audio Technica AT 95E. Jej vitalita a prirodzenosť ju urobili jednou z najpredávanejších hi-fi prenosiek všetkých čias. Je samozrejmé, že už bola presne nastavená pre MTT 990.



Features and special features of this series

Compact high-end stereo NETWORK/CD/DAB/FM receiver

What does the perfect wish list of a hi-fi fan look like? Quite simple. Ideally, a modern hi-fi component that is able to do everything. That's exactly the case with the MC 400. The all in one receiver combines all the sources you could wish for with high-quality technology and all this in the classic, full component format.

Sources? Everything, simply everything

The MC 400 really does have everything on board that makes a music fan's heart beat faster. This starts with classic sources such as a FM tuner, DAB+ and of course a phono input (MM). In addition, there are analogue connections such as a headphone jack, cinch as well as digital inputs, optical and coaxial. HDMI is also available, so that the MC 400 can also be used as an impressive sound upgrade for all TV sources. Those who listen to CDs will love the discreetly integrated slot-in CD drive. The technology behind it: A professional CD drive that is found in high end DJ equipment.

Music from the web in HD

Things get really exciting when it comes to the MC 400's network capabilities. Via Ethernet and WLAN, the Magnat receiver allows the use of Spotify and other streaming platforms. Other services can be conveniently selected via the Magnat app.

TuneIn allows sovereign access to tens of thousands of internet radio stations worldwide.
What more does a music fan want? Quite clearly, Hi-Res audio. The MC 400 is certified by the Japan Audio Society with the Hi-Res Audio logo and plays back music with the required resolutions of up to 24 bits and sampling rates of up to 192 kHz. This makes it a true universal genius when it comes to audio.
The MC 400 also masters Bluetooth. The aptX-HD® module used guarantees the highest possible sound quality from any wireless source, be it a smartphone, a tablet or even the PC.

Groundbreaking design - intuitive operation

So many capabilities deserve an iconic exterior and perfect operation. With a width of 43 cm, the MC 400 has the full, familiar hi-fi format and an almost minimalist operating concept, despite the wealth of functions. This is made possible by the 2.8-inch or 7 cm TFT screen. This not only makes operation child's play, but also allows the display to show cover art and additional information, depending on the source.
A remote control is the second option for operation of the MC 400. The Magnat app, which is available free of charge for iOS and Android, is really convenient. Here, the various music services can be conveniently controlled, the music in the network can be tracked down and the multi-room functions can be used. The currently selected music can be easily extended to other rooms or disconnected from them again. The inputs for a 3.5 mm headphone jack cable and USB are located on the front panel. This way, you can quickly connect a portable source or a USB stick. The headphone jack on the front is for those moments when you want to enjoy music without disturbing others.

Carefully selected technology

To achieve all this, we reached deep into the shelves of the best audio components. TThe D/A
converter from Cirrus can process signals at upto 24 bits and 192 kHz. The phono preamplifier for MM cartridges offers fabulously low distortion values, and the Linkplay module for using the streaming services and for the multi-room capabilities also plays sovereign with up to 192 kHz and 24 bits. This means that any source can be processed and listened to in the best possible quality. The discrete power amplifiers are then responsible for the listening. Bipolar configured power transistors deliver a continuous power of 60 and a peak power of 100 watts per channel.

We have packed all this into a stable housing with a front panel made of solid aluminium, so that it is clear at every touch what quality is hidden here. The same applies to the rear panel. Stable and electrically and acoustically perfect inputs and outputs guarantee undisturbed signal flow and lossless power delivery.

Magnat MC 400 - for every hi-fi fan

The MC 400 is the ideal control center for every hi-fi fan. Whether you are a lover of analogue sources or have already arrived in the digital age is not the question. Here, you don't have to do without anything, you don't have to decide. The MC 400 offers the full range of sources and usage options for every stereo fan. Whether streaming service, vinyl, Bluetooth, Hi-Res Audio or perfect sound for the TV, the Magnat MC400 can do it all.


Magnat MA 900 - The perfect combination of tube sound and performance

When it comes to amplifiers, there have always been two construction principles: Tubes and transistors. While tubes produce a captivating euphoria, because the technology used enables them to add harmonic overtones to the music signals, transistors deliver brute power to drive even the most demanding speakers. So why not combine both? This is exactly what the Magnat MA 900 does. We have combined two hand-selected audiophile tubes in the preamplifier together with powerful transistors in the power amplifier, thereby creating the symbiosis of sound and power.

Magnat MA 900 – Tube technology for finesse, transistors for performance

Why use tubes anyway? Tube amplifiers, or rather ´tubes´ in the audio sector, have an inherent flaw. This, however, is an extremely pleasant flaw. They produce harmonic overtones. This means that a signal of 1,000 Hz is also reproduced with harmonics of 2,000 Hz, 3,000 Hz and so on. In doing so, the harmonics are naturally much quieter than the actual sound. Our ears perceive these harmonics as being very pleasant. The disadvantage of tubes, however, is that they are neither particularly powerful nor particularly efficient. This means you cannot really coax a lot of output power from them.

This is where the tried and tested transistors come into play. They are able to produce an impressive performance with an unadulterated sound, provided that you choose the right models of course. For these reasons, two ECC 81 tubes are used in the preamplifier of the MA 900. These are selected prior to installation. This ensures every MA 900 is equipped with two tubes that are perfectly identical in terms of their values. In addition, the tubes are also "burned-in" before installation. This is a process that takes several hours, during which the ECC 81 tubes are able to reach their final performance values. This ensures our MA 900 is capable of producing the sound for which our good name stands - as soon as it is unpacked.

MA 900 – Audiophile with various talents

Audiophile qualities are only part of what´s required today. A modern amplifier also needs to be suitable for all of the sources that we want to use at home. 5 analogue low-level inputs and an additional jack input at the front of the unit offer sufficient connection options for all manner of audio equipment. The optical and coaxial digital inputs also support high-res audio with a sampling rate of up to 192 kHz and 24 bit. In addition, the MA 900 also comes complete with Bluetooth functionality. The state-of-the-art chip supports Bluetooth 5.0 and the high-end audio standard aptX®HD, thereby enabling optimum quality audio transmission from smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Vinyl is by no means neglected either. The phono preamplifier, which offers separate inputs for MM and MC systems, has been constructed with extremely high-quality operational amplifiers from Texas Instruments. The "Source Gain" function allows all of the inputs to be increased or decreased in terms of level by up to 6 dB, so that jumps in volume can be avoided when switching inputs. In addition, the inputs can be individually named by using the "Source Rename" function, meaning that the days of cryptic abbreviations are a thing of the past.

Classic dimensions – Optimum workmanship

The MA 900 naturally has typical grid dimensions and measures 433 mm wide, which enables it to be perfectly combined with our other components. The sturdy solid metal housing provides a robust framework for the high-quality electronic components. The solid aluminum front panel and operating elements are made to last and convey the feeling of quality with every touch.

This is also reflected by the components inside the unit. An elaborate power supply unit, generously dimensioned capacitors and a low-leakage toroidal transformer, together with the rest of the electronics, add up to a weight of almost 12 kilograms.



Features and special features of this series

Magnat MA 700 - the pure doctrine of good sound

We are known for connecting things together and merging technologies. This is why our brand new MA 700 stereo amplifier offers the incomparable combination of tube technology for captivating sound and robust transistor power amplifiers, so that even larger speakers can be used without any problems. Beyond that, however, we have given the MA 700 everything it takes to be able to reproduce all your diverse media. In addition to all imaginable analogue and digital inputs as well as Bluetooth, this also includes an HDMI input. And that makes our amplifier a real all-rounder.

The best of both worlds - tube sound and transistor performance

Anyone who knows us knows that we do not compromise. But doesn't every technology have to make some concessions? Tubes sound fantastic because they generate harmonic waves that perfectly round off the sound. However, it is difficult to get enough power from them for demanding speakers. Transistor amplifiers do develop this power, on the other hand.

That’s why we have combined the two. The low-noise tube preamplifier of the MA 700 features the now legendary ECC 81 double triode tube. This is carefully selected and "burned in" so that we can guarantee for each MA 700 that everything is perfectly coordinated for you to enjoy music for years to come. The powerful and highly efficient transistors then take care of amplifying the music signals - and do it properly. 70 watts of continuous power are available per channel. At its peak, the MA 700 delivers a system output of 250 watts.

MA 700 - This is how television can benefit from tube sound

Every signal, whether from the five analogue inputs, two digital inputs or via the Bluetooth receiver with its lossless aptX standard, can enjoy the musical wellness treatment provided by the tube preamp - this is also true for the HDMI input. All digital signals first pass through an extremely high-quality D/A converter.

An HDMI input on the stereo amplifier? But of course! If this is connected to the back-channel HDMI output on the TV set, which can be recognised by the abbreviation ARC, all audio signals from the TV and the connected sources then also go through the MA 700. That means tube sound for everyone, even for a connected game console or the set-top box. And as our HDMI input is CEC-capable, the volume can be easily controlled afterwards using the TV remote control.

MA 700 design: Reduced for full focus on musical escapades

The design of the MA 700? Reduced to the maximum - after all, nothing should distract from the music, but instead prepare everything for it. The full metal housing is embellished by a solid aluminum front panel. Nine LEDs indicate the currently selected input. These can be dimmed in two stages. The controls, i.e. the rotary controls for input selection, balance, bass and treble, as well as the large-format volume control, are also made of solid aluminum. On the right side, the - in the truest sense of the word - optical highlight: The round window through which the tube glows magically. We have equipped the back of the MA 700 with solid speaker terminals

A hybrid amplifier for all media

If you are enthusiastic about hi-fi components with classic dimensions, you no longer have to compromise on media suitability. Our MA 700 hybrid stereo amplifier combines the power of transistors with the sensitivity of tube technology. Added to this is the variety of connections up to and including Bluetooth 5.0 aptX and, as an absolute highlight, the possibility of bringing the TV set with all its sources into the hi-fi world via HDMI.



Features and special features of this series

High-end stereo music system with CD player and valve receiver

The high-quality Magnat M 700 stereo system is made up of two high-end modules. Each of the components provides outstanding quality in itself and, together, the two perfectly matched elements produce an acoustic performance that is simply unbeatable: The MCD 750 CD player and the MR 780 hybrid valve receiver form an exceptional unit that will elicit the best possible sound from practically any pair of loudspeakers.

Precision and care for perfect results

The Magnat MCD 750 CD player is tuned to maximum precision in every respect. Both the mechanical construction and the electronic circuit design meet the highest quality standards. The CD drive has an extremely precise and very quiet loading mechanism and a CD controller unit from Toshiba. The conversion of the digital CD data into analogue sound is taken care of by a high-quality low-noise D/A converter from Wolfson. Added to this is a high-quality filter and output stage comprising particularly low-noise operational amplifiers. Alternatively, the signal is available at two digital outputs for external signal processing, offering maximum flexibility.

A broad range of features fro maximum convenience

Its other features also exemplify the high-end aspirations of the MCD 750: In addition to audio CD´s, it plays back MP3 and WMA in optimum quality, also supporting CD text and ID3 tags. All the details of the current status or titles played back can be read on the two-line clear text display at all times, with the brightness adjustable at three levels. It also goes without saying that the MCD 750 provides all the convenient functions customers would expect of a product of this class: The repeat function, shuffle, track programming and all other commands are transmitted conveniently via the high-quality system remote control. The full-metal enclosure with its solid, brushed aluminium front panel displays an unobtrusive, stylish design.

Hybrid receiver with tube pre-amp and transistor output stage

The MR 780 stereo receiver follows the unique Magnat hybrid concept: Operating in the pre-amp stage are two selected, burnt-in ECC 81 valves, which provide the entire system with the warm, audiophile sounds so acclaimed among hi-fi fans. The powerful, discretely designed transistor output stage produces 100 watts of RMS power per channel at 4 ohms. Here, too, the voltages for all the individual circuits have been elaborately stabilized. In this way, the MR 780 combines perfect sound and maximum power for an optimum overall result and first-class hi-fi sound.

Huge range of connectivity options including Bluetooth aptX

In addition to high-quality amplification, the MR 780 also offers a great deal of convenience and flexibility: Signals are received by the stereo receiver via 5 high-level inputs or 2 optical and 2 coaxial digital inputs. There is also a 3.5 mm jack input available at the front for mobile devices. Even more convenient is the direct wireless connection via Bluetooth 4.0 with aptX. The broad range of connection options on the MR 780 is rounded off by a particularly high-quality phono pre-amp stage for MM systems as well as a USB audio 2.0 input. The conversion of all digital signals up to 24 bits / 192 kHz is taken care of by a high-end D/A converter from Wolfson. The integrated DAB/DAB+ digital tuner as well as the FM receiver with RDS and radio text extend what is already a a broad range of functions even further. Users can find all the important information at all times on a large, two-line display on the front of the receiver. The MR 780 provides all this in the stylish solid-metal enclosure perfectly matched to the MCD 750 with a brushed aluminium front panel.

With the M 700, we offer a stereo system that leaves nothing more to be desired: Stylish design, precise CD playback and data conversion as well as substantial power reserves make this set one of the best systems in this price category. Perfectly matched both visually and acoustically, the MCD 750/MR 780 duo makes an extremely harmonious combination.



Features and special features of this series

MTT 990

Gramofón s priamym pohonom vrát. prenosky

  • Quartz-riadený priamy pohon pre dokonalú požadovanú rýchlosť
  • Žiadne preklzovanie pásu, neobmedzená dynamika
  • Gramofón ťažkej hmotnosti s puzdrom vyrobeným z masívneho MDF
  • 10-palcové tónové rameno v tvare písmena J pre najnižšiu možnú chybu uhla snímania
  • Vďaka 3 rýchlostiam (33 1/3, 45, 78 otáčok za minútu) so zodpovedajúcou prenoskou, vhodný aj pre šelakové záznam

further information

MC 400

Compact high-end stereo NETWORK/CD/DAB/FM receiver

  • Fully equipped Internet CD receiver
  • FM, DAB+, CD, Phono MM, HDMI, Bluetooth, streaming services, multiroom
  • Best network capabilities thanks to Ethernet and Wifi
  • Hi-Res Audio certified electronics for highest sound quality
  • Bipolar configured power transistors with up to 100 watts peak power per channel
  • Spotify Connect as well as other streaming services controllable via Magnat app
  • 2.8-inch TFT display for showing cover art

further information

MA 900

Stereo high-end hybrid integrated amplifier

  • Stereo hybrid amplifier with high output power
  • Selected and previously burned-in tubes for optimum sound
  • 2 x 200 watts of sine power, 2 x 320 watts of pulse power
  • Extensive array of connections, including digital, analogue and Bluetooth
  • Individually designated inputs
  • Sturdy metal housing with solid aluminum front panel and operating elements

further information

MA 700

Stereo high-end hybrid integrated amplifier

  • Sturdy metal housing with solid aluminum front panel and operating elements
  • Stereo hybrid amplifier with transistor and tube technology
  • HDMI input for seamless integration of TV and all connected sources
  • Selected tube already burned-in for the best sound
  • 2 x 70 watts RMS output, 250 watts system output
  • Extensive connections, digital, analogue and Bluetooth aptX

further information

MR 780

  • High-end hybrid receiver with tube preamplifier and a high-performance transistor output stage
  • High-quality DAB+/FM tuner
  • Analogue inputs incl. high-quality MM-phono input
  • Digital input section with 2 optical and 2 coaxial inputs and 1 USB audio input
  • Sturdy full-metal enclosure with solid aluminium front plate and controls
  • Pevné celo kovové šasi a predný panel z tvrdeného hliníka

further information

MTT 990

Gramofón s priamym pohonom vrát. prenosky

  • Quartz-riadený priamy pohon pre dokonalú požadovanú rýchlosť
  • Žiadne preklzovanie pásu, neobmedzená dynamika
  • Gramofón ťažkej hmotnosti s puzdrom vyrobeným z masívneho MDF
  • 10-palcové tónové rameno v tvare písmena J pre najnižšiu možnú chybu uhla snímania
  • Vďaka 3 rýchlostiam (33 1/3, 45, 78 otáčok za minútu) so zodpovedajúcou prenoskou, vhodný aj pre šelakové záznam

further information

MC 400

Compact high-end stereo NETWORK/CD/DAB/FM receiver

  • Fully equipped Internet CD receiver
  • FM, DAB+, CD, Phono MM, HDMI, Bluetooth, streaming services, multiroom
  • Best network capabilities thanks to Ethernet and Wifi
  • Hi-Res Audio certified electronics for highest sound quality
  • Bipolar configured power transistors with up to 100 watts peak power per channel
  • Spotify Connect as well as other streaming services controllable via Magnat app
  • 2.8-inch TFT display for showing cover art

further information

MA 900

Stereo high-end hybrid integrated amplifier

  • Stereo hybrid amplifier with high output power
  • Selected and previously burned-in tubes for optimum sound
  • 2 x 200 watts of sine power, 2 x 320 watts of pulse power
  • Extensive array of connections, including digital, analogue and Bluetooth
  • Individually designated inputs
  • Sturdy metal housing with solid aluminum front panel and operating elements

further information

MA 700

Stereo high-end hybrid integrated amplifier

  • Sturdy metal housing with solid aluminum front panel and operating elements
  • Stereo hybrid amplifier with transistor and tube technology
  • HDMI input for seamless integration of TV and all connected sources
  • Selected tube already burned-in for the best sound
  • 2 x 70 watts RMS output, 250 watts system output
  • Extensive connections, digital, analogue and Bluetooth aptX

further information

MR 780

  • High-end hybrid receiver with tube preamplifier and a high-performance transistor output stage
  • High-quality DAB+/FM tuner
  • Analogue inputs incl. high-quality MM-phono input
  • Digital input section with 2 optical and 2 coaxial inputs and 1 USB audio input
  • Sturdy full-metal enclosure with solid aluminium front plate and controls
  • Pevné celo kovové šasi a predný panel z tvrdeného hliníka

further information